Schedule a Coaching Session

Individuals, couples, teams, and families can inquire about scheduling appointments with Michael by making use of the contact form below, emailing, contacting him on LinkedIn, or by contacting him via phone call or text message/MMS at +1 (646) 450-1386.

Appointments are typically conducted virtually, as either audio or video calls, using free teleconferencing software, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, phone calls, Discord chat, or whatever means of real-time communication is most convenient for you!

In-person appointments are available for clients located in the Metropolitan Detroit area (office space in Southfield Town Center).

Typical Coaching Sequence, Packages, and Pricing

A typical coaching sequence with Michael consists of a package of 12 weekly or biweekly 60-minute sessions, conducted by phone call or virtual meeting.

During our first coaching session, we will create understanding of what it is that you want to achieve, based on the values and beliefs that drive your core aspirations, as well as your previous life experiences. We will use tools to help you clarify your values and goals, as well as to envision what your life will look like when our time working together is complete.

During each subsequent session, we will identify a goal related to your aspirations, and by working on that sub-goal, we’ll be moving you a step closer to achieving your overall mission. At the beginning of each session, we will also review your progress from the previous session and work together in creating accountability for any promises to yourself made in the previous session. This process enables you to work on one thing at a time, with minimal stress and maximum support, and creates a system that supports you in building sustainable change.

Phone/text/email support between sessions (within reason) is included in the coaching package.

After our agreed upon number of sessions, we’ll evaluate your progress vs. your stated goals and identify appropriate next steps to further you on your self-mastery journey.

Single-session, 90-minute “Breakthrough Laser Coaching” packages are also available (ideal when you have a pressing need or block that must be overcome right now).

Custom packages can be designed to your specifications, including group coaching, seminars, team trainings, and webinars. Previous group coaching, webinar, and seminar offerings have included:

  • “Overcoming Shame and Moving to Self-Mastery: Loving Yourself as an LGBTQ Individual”

  • “Ending Overwhelm: Practical Strategies for Avoiding Burnout”

  • “Queer Leadership: Commanding Respect in the Workplace as an LGBTQ Manager”

  • "Coming Out At Work: Learning To Love And Daring To Share Your True Self"

Coaching sessions are offered according to a sliding fee scale based on ability to pay.

No clients are refused based on finances, as Michael is passionate about serving the communities he is a part of. 

Payments are accepted via Credit (secure payment portal provided by Freshbooks), PayPal, Google Pay Wallet, Apple Pay Cash, Venmo, Zelle, Square Cash, and other online payment platforms.